The visual identity of "The Actor" is designed to showcase the enigmatic story that unfolds in each episode. The creative and episode posters serve as a vivid representation of the captivating story of "The Actor".
"Once Upon a Time in Iran" (locally named "Khatoon" is a historical and romance blockbuster series produced by Ali Asadzadeh in 2021, directed by Tina Pakravan. The main idea for the visual identity was to recreate Iran during the Second World War.
Iconic in its elegance, and bursting with the sound of the kamancheh, It’s Still Autumn is a beautifully evocative album featuring the Iranian kamancheh player legend, Kayan Kalhor, and the three Dutch jazz musicians of the Rembrandt Frerichs Trio.
The Frog (2020) is one of the most successful and famous Iranian home video series holding a record of 40 million views. Written, edited, and directed by Houman Seyyedi and produced by Ali Asadzadeh in Iran and Thailand.
Kayhan Kalhor is an internationally recognized musician who has been crucial in popularizing Persian music around the world through his various musical collaborations. This project includes the recreation of seven prior Kalhor albums.